Using a Startup Cap Table Template to Write Your Business Plan
A Startup Cap Table template is a spreadsheet, usually used by new or small start-up ventures or existing businesses, which outlines the ownership structure of the business. The spreadsheet depicts clearly who owns what, exactly how much each entity/individual owns and what their value is in terms of the shares they own. There are many advantages to using a startup cap table as it can be easily customized to meet your business's unique needs. For example, it can show the percentages of ownership for key personnel, key products and key suppliers. It will allow you to set thresholds whereby you require a percentage share from any one of those people or things, etc., that you desire to retain. This way, you will not only get the return on your investment but you will also avoid paying out too much in taxes.
When you customize your startup cap table template, the first thing you will do is determine the total number of shares that each of the individuals or entities will own and then determine their total worth. The starting point will most likely be the company's capital and the value of its equity. The Excel spreadsheet will then help you determine if the startup has enough cash to fund growth requirements. If not, then the shares will be restricted to specific purposes, such as working capital and short-term needs such as payroll.
Investors will look at two scenarios. In the first scenario, you will be required to provide proof of financial backing. In the second scenario, you will be able to omit the proof of funding requirement. That leaves the investor with two possible scenarios. One scenario is to invest the startup in a venture capital-type vehicle. The other scenario is to use traditional angel investors.
In the startup cap table template, you have two investment options. First, you can select a traditional investment vehicle, which allows you to have access to a large amount of capital. Second, you can select to invest the shares directly with angel investors. Both scenarios have different advantages and disadvantages. If you are going to work directly with angel investors, you need to make sure that you are prepared in advance with the startup founders' resumes so that you can offer them investment on a level playing field.
An important part of your startup cap table is your business plan. A good business plan will allow you to include several different scenarios. For instance, the business plan will outline the types of funding you require and how you plan to compensate employees once they are hired. It will also detail your ownership structure. Your business plan should not only include hypothetical plans. It should provide a description of how you plan to enter into actual ownership of a business as well as detail any potential barriers that may affect your ability to achieve your goals.
The startup cap table also details the number of shares issued to the public. Determining the amount of shares issued is an important part of the overall cost of capital for your business. If you issue too many shares to the public, your price will become too high relative to other companies in the market. However, if you issue too few shares, you may not be able to raise the capital you need to finance operations.
The Startup cap tables that you use for your startup business also detail what happens to your equity during the early stages of your operation. Many business plans do not include this information because it is considered unnecessary to discuss. However, since startups of the work will be done once you have investors involved, this section is very important. You need to explain the reasons why the shares are being sold and how the proceeds will be used to fund the business.
Last but not least, it is important that you explain in the startup cap table why the startup company needs to raise funds. This is typically the most difficult part of a business plan since it does not have the familiar look of other parts of a business plan. However, since the startup company must obtain capital in order to grow, it should address this matter in some detail. You may want to explain the benefits to investors of this type of loan structure. Also, you should emphasize the importance of meeting the obligations of the loan so that you can maintain positive relations with your lenders.